
With A1c-Cellular, you can evaluate the entire HbA1c analysis process, from instrument to reagents, to ensure accurate patient results.

Our HbA1c product line provides you with controls that contain intact red blood cells to confirm the precision and accuracy of your laboratory’s instruments by challenging the entire HbA1c procedure, including erythrocyte lysis.

Streck customers also have access to STATS®, our free interlaboratory quality control program for peer group data comparison.

A1c-Cellular is a whole blood control that tests the entire HbA1c procedure including red blood cell lysis, a step that is not evaluated by competitor controls. Designed to resemble a patient sample, A1c-Cellular does not need to be reconstituted prior to use, reducing the potential for human error. This control is packaged in convenient vials with pierceable caps for autosampling and is available in two clinically significant levels…

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A1c-Cellular HbA1c control, HbA1c quality control, A1c quality control


  • Available in two clinically significant levels
  • Appropriate for immunoassay and ionic exchange HPLC methodologies
  • Assayed on the top HbA1c analyzers
  • 30-day open-vial stability; 190-day closed-vial stability


  • Tests the entire process including the lysis step
  • Does not need to be reconstituted, reducing the potential for human error
  • Access to STATS®, our free interlaboratory quality control program for peer group data comparison

Trust your entire HbA1c process to A1c-Cellular, the only control that includes the critical step of lysing the RBCs.

DescriptionItem Number
2 x 2.0 mL (Level 1 & 2)211130
6 x 2.0 mL (Level 1 & 2) 211124

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Streck’s HbA1c product line includes a control and linearity with intact red blood cells to challenge the entire HbA1c procedure, including the lysing of the red blood cells. Daily use of these whole blood controls provides quality control data for confirming the precision and accuracy of your laboratory’s instruments. Laboratories should validate test methods at least every six months or following changes in lots of critical reagents or system components.

HbA1c Products, A1c-Cellular HbA1c control, HbA1c quality control, A1c quality control

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